Instantly restores 11% (+1 per level) of your HP when there is only 25% or less due to monster's attacks. Cooldown: 60 seconds
10 MP pulih (+10MP per level) seketika jika MP kurang.
Immediately restores 10 MP (+10MP per level) if there is not enough MP. Cooldown: 60 second.
Reduces the range of “Spinning Slash” and removes the knock back effect, but raises its power by 5% per level.
Mengurangi penurunan kecepatan gerak akibat status Lambat sebesar 5%. (+5% per level).
Reduces movement speed decline due to Slow by 5%. (+5% per level).
5% per level of having Armor Break status removed when the damage taken increases because of it.
Adds 1 hit to the skill “Sword Tempest”.
Menghilangkan serangan finishing dari skill "Rampage" dan sebagai gantinya 50 HP dipulihkan. (+50 HP per level)
Removes the finishing attack of the skill “Rampage and restores 50 HP (+50 HP per level).
Mengubah skill "Dive Impact" menjadi serangan yang menusuk tembus target tunggal.
Turns the skill “Dive Impact” into an attack that pierces through a single target. Resistance to Dazzled is shortened by 2 seconds (+2 second per level).