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Maintenance complete???

Rina Erwe Wulandari
Kamis, 14-Mar-2019 16:39   1852   2
Diskusi Umum

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Dpt info begini :

[EDIT:3/14 5:25 PM(JST)][3/14 2:45 PM Maintenance Completed] Maintenance Notice (3/14/2019)

[EDIT:3/14 5:25 PM(JST)]
We were supposed to release the new special White Day event quest after the maintenance on 3/14/2019 (Thursday).

However, after holding a discussion with the Operation Team, we have decided to postpone the release of the latest quest for White Day event and focus on fixing the connection error that has occured to certain players since Saturday, March 2, 2019.
The White Day event will be released after the issue is fixed.

To all our dearest players who are still experiencing this error, we apologize for holding an update and a maintenance under these circumstances.
We also apologize for the inconvenience due to this connection error. Please kindly accept our sincerest apology should there be any uses of wordings or expressions that may lead to confusion or misunderstanding in the contents of our maintenance this time.

We will keep you updated from time to time as soon as there is any progress. Please check "this news".

Thank you for playing Toram Online.

The maintenance that started on March 14th at 2:00 PM (JST/GMT+9) ended on the same day at 2:45 PM (JST/GMT+9).

Ini maksudnya harusnya masalah toram udah selesai kan, ya?
Ada yg dah berhasil buka?
Jam 5pm di Jepang = jam 3 wib kan?
Apa sy salah mengartikan pesan di atas?

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Akrin XD
Kamis, 14-Mar-2019 20:30

tidak, untuk server selain jepang emang lagi bermasalah jadi masih belum bisa dipastikan kapan server UP lagi.

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Rina Erwe Wulandari
Kamis, 14-Mar-2019 20:50

Shooo saaaad๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Udah ngarep2 dr kemaren kirain sore ini dah bs maen
Harapan ku hancur๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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